Absolute Concept Design specializes in CAD modeling, reverse engineering, machine drawing development and dynamic structural analysis. As a former contractor for the DoD & DoE, our Lead Designer has exclusive experience in armored vehicle survivability techniques, component integration and blast simulation on a variety of today's fielded vehicles. As well as performing reverse engineering numerous types of aircraft and armored vehicles.
Our most recent contracts performed involved the development of a fully composite tailcone section for a helicopter and a tube launched drone/UAV. This required modifying existing CAD models to add new features and/or change the supports located throughout the tailcone structure. Once the design was concluded, it was meshed as surface or shell elements. This feature in the Femap software allows the user to set the direction of the composite layer "growth." Each layer of composite is assigned by thickness, material type and fiber orientation. Finally, each project was analyzed under different scenarios; the tailcone endured weight and torque loads and the UAV was ran under an entire body acceleration loading.
A nine month contract completed for Sandia National Labs (SNL) involved reverse engineering, CAD modeling and developing Machine Drawings for several components. The project consisted of laser scanning the center-section of the Saturn Accelerator. The data retrieved from the scan was used to check the devices' concentricity, perpendicularity, planarity and bolt locations on the support rings inside the center-section. Modifications to the existing support ring CAD files were completed and included in the new machine drawings.
Performed vulnerability analysis on enemy missiles, drones and fighter jets using Directed Energy (DE) weapon systems. Created CAD models from intelligence data and previous known threat models. These realistic target geometries models (TGM) were used to perform a vulnerability assessment. After initial analysis had been completed a list of aimpoints was generated based on the most susceptible components in the system. This list of aimpoints and shotlines was then used in junction with specific programs to complete the entire assessment. Results are used in war game simulations and based on probability of kill criteria.
Additional projects were completed for the Analytics group at TARDEC (Army Base), located at the Detroit Arsenal in Warren, MI. Several tasks where completed under this contract, including; analyzing several concepts for mitigating blast forces, vehicle finite element mesh development and blast or dynamic structural analysis. Utilizing software such as SolidWorks, HyperMesh and LS-Dyna to execute all of these tasks allowed for a first hand experience in the analysis portion of the armor vehicle development process.
PROJECT // 05 & More
Several other projects that have lead to our unique experiences are; reverse engineering an entire MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protection) vehicle, assist with a Damage Mode Effects & Analysis (DMEA) document for a UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter, CAD design of an AAV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle) improvement for increased survivability and various other concepts development for SBIRs/STTRs.
*Please feel free to contact us for more information on any of the projects that have been discussed on this page or in the Capability Statement.